The Dead Book


Hurigash the Horrid - Day 72 (6/06/21) - Death by a dagger in the skull, thrown by Alatola Bonazi the Roachmonger

Wujak the Gentle - Day 72 (6/06/21) - Death by the Lizard King's Trident 

Blackhand - Day 72 (12/06/21) - Death by an old serjeants morning star in The Ghetto

Eetswa Adlay - Day 78 (12/06/21) - Died from Krabroc Brickbasher's bardiche on his leg. In a dungeon

Krabroc Brickbasher - Day 78 (12/06/21) - Cut down by skeletons

Merlon - Day 108 (12/07/21) - Death by evil NPC party

Bulruk Bushromper - Day 108 (12/07/21) - Death by spider poison

Domnall Brosnachain - Day 123 (27/07/21) - Death by lumberjacks

Rudolph von Schliefen - Day 123 (27/07/21) - Cleft by a lumberjack

Milton North* - Day 177 (19/09/21) - Burnt to death by goblin oil

Doomer Shrigma - Day 213 (25/10/21) - Skewered by hobgoblin arrows

Lunk the Leb - Day 222 (23/11/21) - Annihilated by a giant ant in the Ruined Keep

Kovani - [H M1 (Novice) (Total XP: 812)] - 26/03/2022 - Killed by a Morlock

Finin O'Conoghain [Half-Elf C2/MU1 (Total XP: C: 2214, MU: 2216)] - 27/03/22 - Murdered by a sickly Lizard Man's claw/claw/bite routine in a swamp

Sixtus Sunwalker - [H P3 (Protector) (Total XP: 6792) - 13/04/2022 - Disemboweled by a Troll in the sewers beneath Underland

Milton North - [H F3 (Swordsman) (Total XP: 4917)] - 13/04/2022 - Mauled by a Troll in the sewers beneath Underland

Maethedir - [E F2/MU2 (Warrior-Evoker) (Total XP: F: 3933, MU: 4147)] - 13/04/2022 - Suicide bombed himself with a necklace of missiles to kill a Troll in the sewers beneath Underland

Bale Tyrannus - [1/2O F3 (Swordsman) (Total XP: 4001)] - 4/05/2022 - Betrayed to a Gynosphinx by his party member Greg Chapel

Malcolm Mount-Batten - [H R3 (Scout) (Total XP: 5334)] - 23/10/2022 - Stabbed in the brain by fish men by Traveler's Lake during the Curse of Lamalla (Blibdoolpoolp)

Caelestis Daemon - [H F3 (Swordsman) (Total XP: 5591)] - 23/10/2022 - Wrestled and skewered to death by a swarm of fish men by Traveler's Lake during the Curse of Lamalla (Blibdoolpoolp) 

Bolshevik Pillypenny - [Gnome - Thief 1 (Rogue)/Illusionist 1 - NE - 3HP - XP: 100] - assassinated for bounty by PC Vic Sanguin in The Swan and Paedo Inn of Thropsford.

*Revived on 26/09/2021 for 5000gp


John Smith - [H C2 (Adept) (Total XP: idk)] - 23/10/2022 - Stabbed in the brain by fish men by Traveler's Lake during the Curse of Lamalla (Blibdoolpoolp)

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